25 March 2024

Dementia-friendly symbols

Dementia makes remembering new information difficult. But with smart tools like pictograms, daily tasks and communication can be simplified. Discover how to effectively implement pictograms for a clearer everyday life

The power of pictograms in the home

Pictograms can significantly improve daily life for someone with dementia. Use clear symbols to mark different rooms and objects. This helps with navigating around the house and easily finding essential items such as clothes, food and cutlery.

Create structure with a daily or weekly planner

Create a clear plan of daily or weekly activities using a notice board or whiteboard. Use pictograms to visualise activities. This provides a structured overview and brings calmness and clarity to the person with dementia.

Guide to daily routine tasks

Pictograms are also great for explaining sequential activities, such as personal care. A visual guide to the process of dressing or bathing helps avoid confusion and promotes independence.

Time management with a visual clock

Design a visual clock with a movable hand and place activity icons around it. This helps in following the daily programme and facilitates transition between different activities.

Organisation with pictogram diaries

Harness the power of pictograms in diaries to clearly mark daily activities. Use colour-coded pages and stickers to create a clear and understandable schedule, helping to plan and anticipate the day.

Communicate via talking mats

Make use of 'talking mats' for easy communication. These mats help express feelings and preferences using icons representing different emotions and activities.

Personal adaptation

Not every symbol works universally; what is clear to one person may be confusing to another. Find and personalise icons that resonate with the individual experiences and preferences of the person with dementia. Test different approaches to discover what works best.